Environmental Protection
Basic Polices on Environmental Protection
Efforts to protect the global environment are a key management issue for GEESYS, and with the establishment of our Basic Environmental Protection Policy, we continue to promote environmental management with the goal of contributing to global environmental protection through our business activities. GEESYS is keenly aware of our social responsibilities as a good cooperate citizen of global society, and we regard efforts to protect the global environment as one of our most important management tasks. We strive to realize a sustainable society through global actions in accordance with the following basic principles.

Offering products and technologies that contribute to the global environmental protection
We will contribute actively to the protection of the global environment by offering products at which we excel , including energy-saving equipment , new energy equipment , environment monitoring equipment , environmental protection equipment , and technologies related to such equipment.
Reduction of environmental burden throughout product life cycles
We will strive to reduce the burden on the global environment throughout the entire product life cycle, from the procurement of materials to their disposal when offering GEESYS products to the market.
Reduction of environmental burden in business activities
We will promote environmental conservation activities, including energy conservation, waste reduction and reduction of hazardous chemical substances, so as to reduce the environmental burden caused by business operations from the procurement of materials and parts to production and distribution.
Compliance with laws, regulations and standards
We will abide by environmental regulations of not only countries or regions where GEESYS performs business operations, but also of countries or regions where equipment provided by GEESYS is used. In addition, we will establish our own standards if necessary in our efforts to protect the environment.
Establishment of environment management systems and continuous improvements of the systems
We will promote environmental protection activities through measures such as improving the environment protection promotion systems of GEESYS and setting environmental targets. Moreover, we will strive to make continuous improvement through internal audits, etc.
Improvement of employees’ environmental awareness and social contribution
We will strive to raise the awareness of our employees through our day-to-day business operations, while each employee makes an active effort to contribute to society by engaging in environmental conservation activities.
Promotion of communication
We will disclose the efforts of GEESYS toward environmental protection both inside and outside of the company. We will also promote broad communication with society and concerned parties, as well as incorporate their opinions, so as to continuously improve our environmental conservation activities.